Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Dragonfly Hatch...Almost

While down by the river this morning I saw an emerald green dragonfly fanning its wings.  It must have recently hatched.  I searched around on the rocks nearby to find its husk.  What if I could witness a dragonfly hatching?  That would be magnificent.  I would go back home, get the SD card which I had forgotten to replace in my camera, and come back down.
Back at home, I replaced the SD card, remembered I had to water my flowers because I skipped last night.   Might as well hang out the laundry on my way out after watering the flowers. Got sidetracked because Jackson wanted my feedback on a poster he is creating for me.  It was good work, going over his designs with him.
While I was upstairs I gathered another load of laundry and grabbed the book I was reading last night to find that great quote about how being lazy encourages creativity.
Back downstairs, camera in hand, hoisted the laundry outside to hang on the line.  THEN I would go see if I could witness the miracle of a dragonfly hatching.  With the last clothespin left on the line, I spotted this:

Isn't the regularity a wonder?  

 and the resourcefulness?
At the top of the clothespin are two halves of some sort of casing. 
 I'll be keeping an eye on these eggs.  


  1. keep us posted, probaly has to be kept in the shade...

    1. Good thinking, George! I will go put it back on the line now. By the way, my son's last name is Masterson. His father is Jayson whose family is originally from Pelham, NH.

  2. keep us posted, probaly has to be kept in the shade...

  3. Way to stop and the midst of all that was going on. Have you figured out what the eggs are?
